Lunar Year of the Pig 2019


Just Get On With It Will You?

Whenever someone asks me for advice about writing and earning money, I usually point them towards a writing course or an online course of some kind that I think will be really great for them. Continue reading…

Writing Children’s Picture Books That Sell

Children’s picture books are so popular because even if parents themselves don’t read much, they will still read to their young children. Also grandparents buy picture books, as do teachers, schools, and public libraries. Picture books are always a great choice for a gift for anyone to give to a child too. Continue reading…

Getting The Opposite Of What You Want

Have you ever wondered why you never seem to get what you want? I’ve been there myself.
For instance, when I first wanted to be a writer, I did a correspondence course (not much internet around in those days) and I read a few books about how to plot a novel, what a short story needs, how to find the correct adjectives, etc. Continue reading…

Writing Help From An Unlikely Source

I’m currently reading a really inspiring book written by David Miche, called “Hurry Up And Meditate” and it’s a fascinating read. He’s also written two similar books called, “Buddhism For Busy People” and “Enlightenment To Go.”
And all his books are entertaining to read as well as insightful and helpful. Continue reading…

This is Why You Aren’t Living Your Dream Life

As a writer, you no doubt envisioned what your ideal life would be like once you were a successful writer.
Did you ever, at any stage of your life, sit down and imagine what your dream life would be like? Did you see the house you’d be living in, the life you’d be living and the writing you’d be doing? Continue reading…


“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.” ~ Les Brown.
Building a freelance writing business can sometimes be scary because while you want to make a living doing something you love, you must also contend with fear. Continue reading…

My New Propelling Pencil And What It Taught Me

I went looking in the Officeworks Store and they have a HUGE amount of pencils to choose from. In fact, they have a huge choice of everything you might need in your office, including a kettle and a toaster.
Eventually I came across propelling pencils, which are often called mechanical pencils. They are the type of pencil that looks like a pen and I just click the end and it feeds out more lead. Continue reading…

What to Write When You Don’t Know What to Write

There is one thing that’s really important if you want to work as a writer. And that is, to write every day.
Writing is like a muscle because it needs to be exercised regularly to keep it in shape. And if there’s one thing I’ve learnt since I started working as a writer, is that the more I write the easier it gets because not only does regular writing help me to write faster, but it also helps me to come up with great ideas. It really sharpens my creativity. Continue reading…

How Much I Can Write in 5 Minutes?

I recently came across a PDF copy of a book about writing. This book is now out of print and isn’t available anywhere that I could find, until I came across a downloadable PDF copy.
The Book is called “How to Write a Book On Anything In 14 Days or Less…Guaranteed” and it’s written by Steve Manning. Continue reading…

How I ‘Heard’ About Writing More

For the past year or so I’ve been distracted from my writing for several personal reasons, including the death of my father, the death of my sister-in-law, and our much-loved greyhound, Banjo.
So all in all I haven’t been doing as much writing as usual, and of course, my income dropped somewhat. Continue reading…

Bitcoin Email Hacker Scam

Six days ago I received the following email:
You may not know me and you are probably wondering why you are getting this e mail, right?
I’m a hacker who cracked your email and devices a few months ago.
Continue reading…

Writing Tips From Freddy Mercury

A few days ago I went to the cinema to see the movie, Bohemian Rhapsody, which is about the band, Queen and their lead singer, Freddy Mercury.
And I learned quite a few things about him that I never knew, like… Continue reading…