Lunar Year of the Snake 2013


Self-Discipline: Acceptance

A Guest article by Steve Pavlina

The first of the five pillars of self-discipline is acceptance. Acceptance means that you perceive reality accurately and consciously acknowledge what you perceive. Continue reading…

The 5 Rules for Writing

A Guest article by Robert A Heinlein

Robert A Heinlein was a great writer. In a 1947 essay called “On Writing Speculative Fiction” Heinlein revealed his 5 rules of writing.
He said that they were simple rules that are hard to follow and that’s why most writers never make it. Continue reading…

Article Writing For Profit - How to Write 5 Articles Per Day

A Guest article by Janet B Cole

Article writing has become very lucrative today especially since the advent of the internet. The problem many writers have is the pay. With low payout per article, in order to make a living or at least a supplemental income, writers need to produce multiple articles. Since 5 is a nice round number; here are a few guidelines to writing 5 articles per day. Continue reading…

Writers' Block

A Guest article by Owen Jones

Most writers say that they have experienced "writers' block," or "writer's block" at some time or another, but I think that it is true to say that it comes in several different forms. The ones I am thinking of are the "information block", the "fear block" and the "clueless block". Continue reading…

How to be accountable

If you're anything like me, you struggle to keep up a good word count of writing every day.
Each weekend I promise myself that this next week will be different. I'll get more writing done than ever before and not get distracted or let other things get in the way. Continue reading…

The 4 Hour Ethos

I want to ask you a question.
Do you struggle with big writing projects (or small ones)?
Do you find it hard to not only get started, but to keep going until your project is finished? Continue reading…

How to write at amazing speed

As a writer, it can sometimes feel frustrating when writing anything seems to take such a long time.
You sit down, begin writing, and next thing you know you look up and 2 hours have gone by and you've hardly written a thing. Continue reading…

The Secret

No doubt you've heard of the hit movie, 'The Secret.'
Well did you know that you can now watch it for free?
It's an hour and a half long and is on the subject of the Law of Attraction. Continue reading…

It's What makes some writers successful

A question that everyone always wants to know is, what makes some writers more successful than others?
Why are there writers who earn millions, others who earn a lot of money, some who earn very little from their writing, and others who earn nothing. Continue reading…

I need money Fast

"I need to make some money really fast."
This is what I often hear from people who are desperate to make a quick income from their writing. Continue reading…

How To Make Your Trip Around The World Pay For Itself

A Guest article by Lisa Truman

If you are planning a trip around the world for a gap year from college, or perhaps as a sabbatical from your regular career, then documenting your adventures is a good idea. Not only will it allow you to look back fondly on your trip in years to come, but it could also pay for the expedition. Continue reading…

Two "Must Haves" That Every Writer Must Have

Not too long ago I read a book called "The Millionaire Next Door." It was a fascinating read (I read it several times) and written by Dr. Thomas J Stanley who interviewed true millionaires to discover how they got rich when they all seemed to live frugally and had normal 9 to 5 jobs. Continue reading…

Fast Money in Slow Times

Cash in a Flash: Fast Money in Slow Times
This is the latest audio from Robert G. Allen & Mark Victor Hansen.
Mark Victor Hansen is the co-creator of the now famous "Chicken Soup" series of books. Continue reading…

The Emperor's Three Questions

A Guest article by Leo Tolstoy

Note: This is an inspiring story of how to focus on what you are doing and not worry about other things you "should" be doing instead. Helpful advice to all procrastinating writers. Continue reading…

The Worry That You’re Doing the Wrong Thing Right Now

A Guest article by Leo Babauta

It’s first thing in your workday, and you open up your email. There’s a host of messages, old and new, asking for your attention. You also open up other inboxes in social media and the like. You quickly go through them and get a picture of what you need to get done right now. Continue reading…

Time Blocking and Writing

I’ve been doing a bit of reading lately about how other writers work and it’s amazing how some can just sit down anytime and write. And while that’s okay for some people, I just can’t work that way. I need to block my writing time and use it to my best advantage and this is how I do it. Continue reading…

Diversify or Die

These days it’s easy to find articles and books to help you learn the craft of writing. And while that might be fine and good, you also need to read other things that are not about writing if you want to grow as a writer. And I’ll tell you why. Continue reading…

10 Tips For Writing Great Content

A Guest article by Paul Russell

If you are responsible for maintaining a website I'm sure you will have heard the phrase "content is king" and be under pressure to keep adding new content to your site. So today I thought I'd share my 10 point checklist that I use whenever I'm writing new content for my website posts or pages. Continue reading…